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- The Baking Sheet - Issue #56
The Baking Sheet - Issue #56
Evolution, Growth, and Adoption -- Tezos is firing on all cylinders

Welcome to this week’s issue of The Baking Sheet!
As protocol upgrade Granada is beginning to draw near the end of token holder voting, we’ve continued to see further adoption across the board within the Tezos ecosystem. We’ve seen exciting ways for creators and collectors alike to begin to build cross-chain NFT profiles, continued DeFi growth, and much more.
This week’s issue will focus on mixing decentralized protocols like Tezos and e-voting together.
Tezos Ecosystem Insights: Electis
Recently, we received some interesting news around e-voting and the city of Neuilly-sur-Seine located in France, to allow its ~60,000 residents to participate in local government decision making through the usage of blockchain technology in the form of e-voting.
This post will cover the concept of e-voting, how it ties with blockchain technology, and engage some healthy speculation as to where things can eventually unfold within Tezos and abroad.
Why Blockchain?
Before we can fully glean how blockchain can benefit government decision making in the form of e-voting, we should understand just exactly what e-voting is in the first place.
Loosely put, electronic voting (e-voting) makes use of computer mediated processes in order to cast ballots and exercise one’s stance towards candidates and/or political issues that they are in favor for or against. It’s important to understand most of this process takes place with computers however, the form of ballot composition itself is generally non-electronic.
With the effects of COVID-19 affecting how we interact day to day, the idea of e-voting comes as a timely one and these effects will likely outlast their short-term composition. Thus, the concept of e-voting seems simple at the surface but how exactly does blockchain fit into the mix?
With Electis, which has developed this blockchain-based online voting platform — residents of the city of Neuilly-sur-Seine could use the Tezos blockchain for e-voting as early as September. This usage comes as a legitimate and attractive use case of blockchain. We can think of this as a pure corollary to the industry-wide customization to buzzwords, meaningless hype and deterrents thereof.
When we bend away from the noise, the idea of blockchain in the use of several applications should come quick to the curious observer. Things like decentralized identity (DID), certificate issuance (think diplomas, training program completions, etc), and voting are strong use cases of blockchain.
Blockchain purports more advantages in the following ways:
Highly secure
For Tezos in particular, these traits come as those of cultural significance — thus its implications within e-voting should be easily conveyed. Within Tezos, there lies the facilitation of formal verification — a process in which proves the mathematical correctness of the underlying code allowing for institutional-grade smart contracts. There also lies several benefits such as secure custody, and upgradeability — allowing for any new features/tech to be ported onto the protocol in a timely, battle-tested, and well-defined manner.
Thus, when we amalgamate this with the predisposing realization that the world is rapidly changing around us in not only a government perspective, but economical, and societal at large — we can come to the conclusion that trustless-ness and transparent auditability come as significant pieces of importance for the common good. What better way to encapsulate that very philosophy through the usage of fully-decentralized and transparent blockchain-based protocols like Tezos?
When we look at most things today, we may not immediately realize it but, there is a large value placed on invisibility. In contemporary society, we take this particular concept for granted. Examples include you viewing this post as we speak — how did you get here?
As technology has continued to grow in speed, intelligence, and reliability — there’s been a large effort in simplifying this process and the way in which we interact day to day in terms of user-experience. When it comes to e-voting — it comes paramount to understand that UX (“user experience”) decreases as more effort begins to accrue from the user.
With Electis’ solution, they aim to bring this power directly to the citizens in the most simplistic way possible through the usage of blockchain and specifically — Tezos.
“We decided to be extremely simple so we will make them vote on simple things, which are in their daily lives, which interest them, which mobilize them in such a way as not to use this vector for requests that are very far from their concerns. As the habit is taken, as the connection is established between the City and the population “ with “ why not, one day, a vote via this blockchain technology “. — Jean-Christophe Fromantin
Looking Forward
As we begin to traverse the growing digital renaissance on Tezos, the renaissance taking place around is much more than an artistic movement. We’re slowly beginning to witness the shift from cultural, political, and economic aspects as well — all comparative to the fervent period of Europe that lasted between the 14th — 17th century.
This Week in the Tezos Ecosystem

The MadFish team has released the QuipuSwap analytics section
The first installment of QuipuSwap analytics includes the tools long awaited by the community; more features will be added with time.
Features in this release:
Pairs/tokens analytics
Aggregated stats (TVL, Volume, price changes) in XTZ and USD
Price/volume/liquidity charts for each token
List of all transactions across the exchange
Monitor favourite pairs and tokens
Search pairs and tokens by contract address
What’s next?
Public API
User account analytics
and more!
InterPop, the company building the next generation of fan experience, is pleased to announce the InterPop Block Party, a one-day event at the intersection of NFTs and fan culture.
Play with BRIO, the first ever eSports skill based platform on the Tezos blockchain from gaming publisher InterPop, today announced the launch of their public beta. The Play with Brio platform will…
PRESS RELEASE: Gitcoin, a community developing digital public goods, creating financial freedom, and defining the future of the open web, announced today that it has integrated Tezos, an…
April 9, Tezos Ukraine launched a startup accelerator for beginner developers. By now, eight applicants have already been selected and proceeded with learning. Two more are getting their test assignments ready.
As BlockStart’s ecosystem partner, we have challenged Nomadic Labs to present themselves and introduce us to Tezos
Between Polygon finding traction to rival Ethereum and Solana raising 314 million dollars, Tezos is an improbable topic.
The explosive growth of network activity on Tezos, first steps to the acceptance of Granada, fresh memes, and other news of June.
In our last post, we explained our vision, mission and values and gave a glimpse of youves’ capabilities. In this post, we focus on youves, the tool.
Short interview with Paul Laforgue, our new PhD student
This Week in Tezos Development
Version 9.4 of Octez (the Tezos distribution at Tezos / tezos · GitLab) has just been released. This version fixes an issue in the mempool that caused too many operations referring to unknown blocks to be kept
New version has an update to Tezos 9.4 and some performance improvements including addressing Gathering baker data issue. Download on...
Irmin is an OCaml library for building mergeable, branchable distributed data stores. You can choose the way you store information with this open-source database, originally written for use by MirageOS unikernels.
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